We are happy to announce that applications for new admissions at our Madrasah (YMA Sheffield) are now open for children born on or before...
Jul 27, 2024
Please download the admissions form and hand in the completed form directly to YMA.
Please download the above holiday request form and hand in the completed form directly to YMA.
Respected Parents,
For the last few days, we have sent lots of information in relation to our new online Madrasah to all contact numbers saved on our broadcast list by Whatsapp. We hope you have received them.
If you haven’t been receiving them then this could be due to a couple of reasons. Either we haven’t got your latest contact details on our records, or you haven’t saved our contact details on your handsets.
To resolve the matter we kindly urge you to confirm with us your most latest contact details so that we may update our records too.
You may contact us on :-
07436 711257
between 5 - 7pm during the weekdays
Or you can contact us through
WhatsApp on:- 07436 711257 to confirm this.
Otherwise please kindly ensure you have our WhatsApp number and the mobile number saved to your contacts in order to receive regular announcements from our broadcasting facility. Pls know that our messages will not be received unless our numbers are saved on your contact list. The numbers you need to save are -:
07436 711257
Jzk for your attention.
Masjid Umar & YMA Admissions
Please download the form and hand in the completed form directly to YMA.